Simpalarm, Smart hub & IOT monitor
SIMPALARM started out life as a simple intruder alarm for rental properties. Through our collaboration it became an award winning start up in the assisted living and IOT space. FLYNN developed a novel socket anti tamper device which was patented.

About the Project
Smart Hub and IOT Monitor

We embarked on developing Intellectual property for the project to enable a patent application, we developed around five novel and inventive approaches to the tamper proofing aspect. Simpalarm successfully patented the innovation. FLYNN were given a brief on short turn around to develop a working enclosure for their new smart hub encorporating the patented tech we had developed.
As with any project there is an evolution, in this case the scope of the product itself expanded. SimpAlarm is now being developed as an assisted living technology that utilises GSM Networks. Simpalarm’s target market as an assistive product is intended for families and carers of elderly or vulnerable people who live independently. Simpalarm provides reassurance that your loved one is active and going about their normal routine.

Final Thoughts
Simpalarm received critical acclaim and was a winner at the Cambridge Wireless Discovering Start-Ups . For more information on Patents visit
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